Jacksonville Carnival 2018 Highlites

by Weldon Ryan

Jacksonville Carnival 2018 was a cauldron of hot,hot fun.   The mas bands were committed to give us the spirit of carnival despite the humidity and heat.  The water and juices poured from the lead trucks keeping the players flowing with energy and vigor whilst staying hydrated to endure the simmering  heat of the sun. They marched the road to the park and performed for the judges in eloquent fashion.  

The one issue that  Jax has is the heat which was resolved with the many vendors providing iced cold drinks and icies that was at the park.  I didn't seem to matter for the manny spectators enjoying the rhythm of the musical acts on stage.  This was an enjoyable event for family and carnivalist alike.  With each year Jacksonville Carnival grow bigger and bigger providing a remedy for home sick West Indians and all others.  I look forward to next years Jax Carnival Fete 2019.  I hope to see you there as you may be a subject of mine as I paint Carnival.
