by Weldon Ryan
Carnivalist came out in droves to see the Mas Players and to enjoy a day of soca music along with West Indian delicacies. The heat was intense but so was the bands. The key emphasis on this Memorial day however was Unity! Last year there was two Orlando Carnivals. GGR Marketing and PR made this event a phenominal success uniting the two Caribbean factions. From my vantage the park was full and after the Carnival Mas parade there was a massive crowd enjoying not one but two of the performance stages. The food lines were long and everyone wanted to emerce themselves with caribbean goodies since the parade had ended. I enjoyed the musical lineup especially with the headliner being Bunji Garland. To cap the night Faye Ann Lyons made her cameo teaming with her hubbie making there performance another smash as my night cap. I left exhausted but very very satisfied.
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